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Ghost of Jupiter Subsector: Octant Beta Gamemaster Notes[edit]

This is the place where all the secret GM stuff goes for Octant Beta! A lot of this is just questions that I need to answer at the moment.

(β:04:2) M-Class Main-Sequence[edit]

This system contains two benign worlds and one marginal, all uninhabited. Is someone using them?

VERZUI (β:12:2:A:1) Gas Giant[edit]

Verzui has a a biosphere that is as yet undetected.
High Biodiversity; Paradigm = Exotic; Primary Energy Source = Radiosynthesis;
Sessile1: Scale = Medium (+0); Symmetry = Bilateral; 8 limbs; Endoframe; Segments = 0:
Motile1: Scale = Micro (-2); Symmetry = Biradial; 32 limbs; No Frame; Segments = 3: Frame1,Frame2,Limb3,
Motile2: Scale = Micro (-2); Symmetry = Bilateral; 2 Limb2; Endoframe; Segments = 2: Frame1,Body2

OBOSLUPTA (β:12:2:A:2:15) Small Benign Moon[edit]

This colony is in free fall due to warfare. Little Howard is maintaining a low profile in the system, but is increasingly concerned about the morality of simply allowing people to die, especially people off the main colony world (in space stations, bases on other moons, etc.) Little Howard will ask the cooperative to assist in saving as many of these individuals as possible, but can they do it stealthily? Does the cooperative care? What do they do with those saved?

(β:13:-1:A) K-Class Main Sequence[edit]

This system contains an uncontacted lost colony, Tech Index 7. It has population 10^11 (hundreds of billions of inhabitants) living in an anarchic bucolic de-industrialized society. What the heck does THAT look like? Maybe they are like high-tech space Amish? That is a hell of a lot of people on a Small world.

(β:31:3) White Dwarf[edit]

This system contains a species of sessile exointelligence, tech index 1, very contemplative. If communication can be established, they seem to have very deep memories stored in waxy structures within their bodies. Within these memories are data about predecessor activities in the Subsector. What data? How can contact be achieved? What do such beings want in exchange?

(β:36:3:A) M-Class Main Sequence[edit]

This system contains multiple marginal worlds with low/pre-human exointelligence. Anything happening here? I someone studying/exploiting these worlds?

(β:43:2) M-Class Cool Subdwarf[edit]

This system contains an uninhabited Marginal world. Is someone using it? Who and for what?

(β:55:3) M-Class Main Sequence[edit]

Contains one marginal world, anything happening?

(β:70:4:A) M-Class Giant[edit]

This system has to have some kind of Predecessor or Predecessor-like ruins on it, how cool is it to have to try to study those ruins while risking an eruption from the companion variable?

(β:73:3:A) M-Class Main Sequence[edit]

This system contains THREE different human standard exointelligences. Within the past 400 years these three civilizations have contacted each other, and are in the process of establishing a joint tech level 6 civilization of unique character. Should the be contacted? How? Simply arriving in the system is liable to tip them off. And what is the character of their civilization? VENU-POTENTIAL

(β:75:-1) M-Class Subgiant (Binary)[edit]

The two stars in this system are essentially identical in mass, something that is almost impossible by accident. I think that this was some kind of ancient experiment; one star is the experimental arm, one the control. But what was the experiment? Are the experimenters still present? There are multiple pre-human exointelligences and biospheres.

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