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Octant Epsilon Notes[edit]

GM Stuff here, supersecret!

The Munolirat and the Digar[edit]

The Munolirat are anarchic humanoid culture that achieved tech index 8 before the Commonality did. Since that time they have established an interstellar culture across multiple systems in Octant Epsilon.

The Digar are a exointelligence, biradial with 16 limbs, 12 used for locomotion and 4 used for manipulation. They are also at tech index 8 and have established a culture across multiple systems.

These various worlds have been at war with each other for over 2000 years in a non-relativistic frame, but because of the time dilation effects many of the soldiers in the war have only experienced it for 10s of years.

KAMATAYON SYSTEM: ADLAW (ε:02:0) M-Class Main Sequence[edit]

All kinds of stuff going on in this system which was heavily modified by the Predecessors or psuedo-Predecessors at some primoridal time. Watcher, the Seed Network in this system, is spread thin given all the strangeness going on here, and is therefore focusing on increasing its capacity, to the detriment of ongoing survey activity.

SA-USA-KA (ε:02:0:X:1) Deadly Exotic Planetoid[edit]

This planetoid is obviously artifical, its density is off the chart for its size. Gravitational scans will quickly determine that the interior of this planetoid is a blob of extremely dense exotic matter. Why?

KAMATAYON (ε:02:0:X:2) Small Agreeable Garden Planet[edit]

Watcher will ask the Cooperative to obtain first hand information on the "grave hives". What adventure will that lead to?

TULO (ε:02:0:X:4) Small Standard Marginal Barren Planet[edit]

This planet contains several archaeological sites from the original colonization effort. Investigating them may provide some insight into the strange cultural symbiosis that has developed on Kamatayon.

(ε:02:0:X:9) Deadly Barren Planetoid[edit]

This planetoid contains a Predecessor or psuedo-Predecessor installation, connected to the exotic planetoid (ε:02:0:X:1). Monkeying with it could lead to catastrophic consequences.

(ε:05:2:A) M-Class Subgiant[edit]

There is a Benign world here, anything going on?

(ε:10:3) K-Class Eruptive Variable Subgiant[edit]

There are a couple of marginal worlds here, anything going on?

(ε:14:2) K-Class Main Sequence[edit]

This system has been subverted by the meme complex that has taken over Morbius Metals. The lost colony was previously a religious dictatorship, but the meme complex has infiltrated and subborned the religion over the past 30 years. The inhabitants of this world, the Nghorrach, are being used across the subsector. Morbius Metals is using bulk transport vessels modified to incorporate efficient planing engines and X-cores to move large numbers of the Nghorrach to various locations throughout the subsector. However, it is also begun construction on a 3-space gate in orbit to speed the movement of these slaves.

Morbius Metals has set up a honey-trap in this system, just in case a ship like the Cooperative should arrive. On arrival, the PCs will detect an urgent distress call from Morbius Metals Corporacy Seeder Bauxite Joe, stating that the vessel was disabled in orbit around (ε:14:2:X:5). Arriving at this frozen planet, the seeder vessel can be quickly located in orbit. However, the seeder vessel has been heavily modified to incorporate weapons and maneuverability, and, at a last resort, a powerful self-destruct. The synthetic that operates the vessel, Bauxite Joe itself, has been suborned by the meme complex. It will decide if it can take any vessel in a fight; if it thinks it can, it will go to combat-mode and ambush. If not, it will wait as long as possible then initiate self-destruct. If it cannot destroy or capture a vessel, its goal will be to disable it long enough for the five system patrol boats in the system to rendezvous with it.

If a vessel escapes this system with evidence of the meme complex, the corporacy's assets in this system will begin to purge the system of all traces of their presence, including initiating mass suicides on Nghorrach. This process will take about X weeks.

Here is the original data on Nghorrach.

CIVILIZATION Commonality Outpost; Agri-World; Population = 10^10 (3); Government = Dictatorship; Societal Development = Early Redistribution Model; Openness = Closed; Control Index = Repressive (4); Trade Index = -5; Tech Index = 3; Starport = X; Mindscape = None or ToUM; BIOSPHERE LOW HUMAN EXOINTELLIGENCE R-1Standard Biodiversity; Paradigm = T-congruent; Primary Energy Source = Photosynthesis; Sessile1: Scale = Huge (+2); Symmetry = Bilateral; 2 Limb2; Endoframe; Segments = 0: Motile1: Scale = Large (+1); Symmetry = Bilateral; No Limbs; No Frame; Segments = 1: Frame1, Motile2: Scale = Large (+1); Symmetry = Biradial; 8 Limbs; Endoframe; Segments = 0:

The Nghorrach are a squat, short people, roughly a meter tall and nearly a meter wide. They are tremendously strong. Before the arrival of the meme complex, they lived in a dense and intricate religious dictatorship. However, the meme complex has suborned their religion, and enslaved them. There is little to know resistance.

(ε:22:4:A) M-Class Subgiant[edit]

This system contains three human standard exointelligences. The primary one is a silicon-based electrosynthetic species, tech index 8, on the verge of obtaining planing technology, they have fully exploited the system. The other two are photosynthetic. Some analysis will reveal that their are related in the distant past. They are at Tech index 2 and 4. How do they all interact with each other? The silicon-based creatures have VENU-POTENTIAL.

(ε:26:2) M-Class Main Sequence[edit]

This is a Munolirat system. See above.

(ε:28:-1) M-Class Main Sequence[edit]

This is the Digar home system, see above. All photosynthetic biospheres in this system are essentially transplanted from the Digar homeworld.

(ε:32:4) M-Class Main Sequence[edit]

This world has several exointelligences that need more detail.

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