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{{#set: | is in campaign = Steel Town | is a = location | key = Scottish_Rite_Masonic_Temple }}{{#set:has aspect=One secret society hiding under the nose of another}}{{#set: description = The Scottish Rite is an old castle that acts as the headquarters of the local Freemason chapter. 100 metres away is the Grand Lodge, also belonging to the Masons. The area between the two buildings appears to contain only a parking lot, but actually houses a heavily-veiled building that is the local headquarters of the White Council. }}{{#set: ps = The Scottish Rite temple also has its own website. }}{{#set: idea = Masonic Temple and White Council outpost }}{{#set: has face = Charles Tuckett }}{{#set: address = 4 Queen St. South, Hamilton, ON L8P 3R3, Canada }}{{#set:

     | lat = 43.259112
     | lng = -79.8795 
     | latlng = 43.259112, -79.8795 
     }}{{#set: map         = {{#ask:is a::campaign mapcampaign::Steel Town|link=none}}#Scottish_Rite_Masonic_Temple      }}{{#set: altmap      = {{#ask:is a::campaign mapcampaign::Steel Town|link=none}}/Scottish_Rite_Masonic_Temple   }}is a::campaign mapcampaign::Steel Town|link=none}}#Scottish_Rite_Masonic_Temple">Aspects: One secret society hiding under the nose of another

Face: Charles Tuckett

The Scottish Rite is an old castle that acts as the headquarters of the local Freemason chapter. 100 metres away is the Grand Lodge, also belonging to the Masons. The area between the two buildings appears to contain only a parking lot, but actually houses a heavily-veiled building that is the local headquarters of the White Council.

The Scottish Rite temple also has its own website.

[[{{#ask:is a::campaign mapcampaign::Steel Town|link=none}}#Scottish_Rite_Masonic_Temple|Show in map]]{{#set:threshold=weak}}

<graphviz border="frame" format="png" renderer="dot">

digraph character {
 node [fontcolor=blue,fontsize=12];
 "Scottish Rite Masonic Temple" [URL="Scottish Rite Masonic Temple"];
 { rank=same;

"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::Scottish Rite Masonic Temple

     |?Has name=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" [URL="Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::Scottish Rite Masonic Temple
     |?Has name=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep="];"Template:))" [URL="Template:))"];

{"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Scottish Rite Masonic Temple

     |?Is relationship of=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" [URL="Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Scottish Rite Masonic Temple
     |?Is relationship of=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep="]};{"Template:))" [URL="Template:))"]};
 edge [fontsize=9];

"Scottish Rite Masonic Temple" -> "Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::Scottish Rite Masonic Temple

     |?Has name=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" [label="|sep="];"Scottish Rite Masonic Temple" -> "Template:))" [label=""];

"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Scottish Rite Masonic Temple

     |?Is relationship of=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" -> "Scottish Rite Masonic Temple" [label="|sep="];"Template:))" -> "Scottish Rite Masonic Temple" [label=""];
