From GamingWiki
(Created page with "{{Clean Sweep supporting character |Concept=Shady individual who has hired the Clean Sweep crew for a heist }}") |
(No difference)
(Created page with "{{Clean Sweep supporting character |Concept=Shady individual who has hired the Clean Sweep crew for a heist }}") |
(No difference)
Campaign | is NPC in campaign::Clean Sweep |
Concept | Concept::Shady individual who has hired the Clean Sweep crew for a heist |
<graphviz border="frame" format="png" renderer="dot">
digraph character { rankdir=LR; node [fontcolor=blue,fontsize=12]; "The Benefactor" [URL="The Benefactor"];
{ rank=same;
"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::The Benefactor
|mainlabel=- |?Has name= |?Has description= |format=array |propsep=" [URL="Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::The Benefactor |mainlabel=- |?Has name= |?Has description= |format=array |propsep="];"Template:))" [URL="Template:))"];
{"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::The Benefactor
|mainlabel=- |?Is relationship of= |?Has description= |format=array |propsep=" [URL="Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::The Benefactor |mainlabel=- |?Is relationship of= |?Has description= |format=array |propsep="]};{"Template:))" [URL="Template:))"]}; }
edge [fontsize=9];
"The Benefactor" -> "Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::The Benefactor
|mainlabel=- |?Has name= |?Has description= |format=array |propsep=" [label="|sep="];"The Benefactor" -> "Template:))" [label=""];
"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::The Benefactor
|mainlabel=- |?Is relationship of= |?Has description= |format=array |propsep=" -> "The Benefactor" [label="|sep="];"Template:))" -> "The Benefactor" [label=""];