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{{#set: | is in campaign = Steel Town | is a = location | key = Albion_Falls_Gorge }}{{#set:has aspect=Haunted lovers' leap}}{{#set: description = Early in the nineteenth century young Jane Riley, disappointed by love-losed with the dashing Joseph Rousseau, stood at the top of a steep cliff above the thundering Albion Falls and flung herself to the bottom 100 feet below.

The drop has since been dubbed "Lovers' Leap" and many mentions of the suicide have popped up over the decades. Such as a poem written by a certain Slater at the time:

Alas, poor Jane Riley,
for Joseph she did die
By jumping off that dizzy brink
full sixty cubits high

This is also the site where the body of John Dick was found after being killed by his wife Evelyn Dick. }}{{#set: idea = Small waterfall in east mountain }}{{#set: has face = Spirits of dead lovers }}{{#set: address = Mount Albion road }}{{#set:

     | lat = 43.20032
     | lng = -79.81995 
     | latlng = 43.20032, -79.81995 
     }}{{#set: map         = {{#ask:is a::campaign mapcampaign::Steel Town|link=none}}#Albion_Falls_Gorge      }}{{#set: altmap      = {{#ask:is a::campaign mapcampaign::Steel Town|link=none}}/Albion_Falls_Gorge   }}is a::campaign mapcampaign::Steel Town|link=none}}#Albion_Falls_Gorge">Aspects: Haunted lovers' leap

Face: Spirits of dead lovers

Early in the nineteenth century young Jane Riley, disappointed by love-losed with the dashing Joseph Rousseau, stood at the top of a steep cliff above the thundering Albion Falls and flung herself to the bottom 100 feet below.

The drop has since been dubbed "Lovers' Leap" and many mentions of the suicide have popped up over the decades. Such as a poem written by a certain Slater at the time:

Alas, poor Jane Riley,
for Joseph she did die
By jumping off that dizzy brink
full sixty cubits high

This is also the site where the body of John Dick was found after being killed by his wife Evelyn Dick.

[[{{#ask:is a::campaign mapcampaign::Steel Town|link=none}}#Albion_Falls_Gorge|Show in map]]{{#set:threshold=none}}

<graphviz border="frame" format="png" renderer="dot">

digraph character {
 node [fontcolor=blue,fontsize=12];
 "Albion Falls Gorge" [URL="Albion Falls Gorge"];
 { rank=same;

"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::Albion Falls Gorge

     |?Has name=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" [URL="Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::Albion Falls Gorge
     |?Has name=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep="];"Template:))" [URL="Template:))"];

{"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Albion Falls Gorge

     |?Is relationship of=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" [URL="Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Albion Falls Gorge
     |?Is relationship of=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep="]};{"Template:))" [URL="Template:))"]};
 edge [fontsize=9];

"Albion Falls Gorge" -> "Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::Albion Falls Gorge

     |?Has name=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" [label="|sep="];"Albion Falls Gorge" -> "Template:))" [label=""];

"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Albion Falls Gorge

     |?Is relationship of=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" -> "Albion Falls Gorge" [label="|sep="];"Template:))" -> "Albion Falls Gorge" [label=""];
