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Revision as of 07:42, 19 January 2014 by Dave (talk) (Characters)
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I created 11 pregens for this game, which I think is as much of a testament to the ease of creating FAE characters and to the evocative setting material as to my obsessive personality.

Each character originally got just a high concept aspect, a trouble aspect, a stunt and a floor number for them to live on. I used a name generator to populate Wesley House, such that each player had a masculine name and a feminine name to choose from. I actually populated the entire building with names (I may decide to write in all of these at some point, for the hell of it) and even sketched out floor plans for some of the floors (including some non-Euclidean ones), but these will have to wait for another day.

  • Cary Gutierrez: Ex-pawn shop owner with a rap sheet a mile long
Because I am good at hiding things from people I get a +2 when I sneakily create advantages when I am trying to hide something from someone of import.
Because I have my fingers in a lot of pies once per game session I can narrate the story of why someone owes me a favour, then call in the favour to avoid or leave a bad situation.

<graphviz border="frame" format="png" renderer="dot">

digraph character {
 node [fontcolor=blue,fontsize=12];
 "No Exit" [URL="No Exit"];
 { rank=same;

"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::No Exit

     |?Has name=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" [URL="Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::No Exit
     |?Has name=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep="];"Template:))" [URL="Template:))"];

{"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::No Exit

     |?Is relationship of=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" [URL="Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::No Exit
     |?Is relationship of=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep="]};{"Template:))" [URL="Template:))"]};
 edge [fontsize=9];

"No Exit" -> "Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::No Exit

     |?Has name=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" [label="|sep="];"No Exit" -> "Template:))" [label=""];

"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::No Exit

     |?Is relationship of=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" -> "No Exit" [label="|sep="];"Template:))" -> "No Exit" [label=""];
