The Woolen Mill
{{#set: | campaign = Ghost Town | is a = location }}Aspect: has aspect::Working to obsolete itself
{{#set:description=The Woolen Mill is an office building in downtown Kingston that houses, among other companies and agencies, a StarTek call centre. }} The Woolen Mill is an office building in downtown Kingston that houses, among other companies and agencies, a StarTek call centre.
{{#set: idea = Office building built on a mill built on a native sacred site }}{{#set: face = Chet Carlavitz }}{{#set: lat = 44.242524 }}{{#set: lng = -76.482053 }}{{#set: key = WoolenMill }}
"Joseph S. Stauffer Library"
{{#set: | campaign = Ghost Town | is a = location }}Aspect: has aspect::TBA
{{#set:description=This is the main library at Queen's University. Any book mentioning the occult or the supernatural has been lost, stolen or defaced. }} This is the main library at Queen's University. Any book mentioning the occult or the supernatural has been lost, stolen or defaced.
{{#set: idea = Main library of Queen's University }}{{#set: face = Rishon }}{{#set: face = Tabitha Kane }}{{#set: lat = 44.228188 }}{{#set: lng = -76.496108 }}{{#set: key = JosephStauffer }}
{{#set: | campaign = Ghost Town | is a = location }}Aspect: has aspect::Struggling to stay open
{{#set:description=Threats of foreclosure have been hounding the Purple Door, and causing its proprietor, Madame Esmerelda, to scramble to keep it open. }} Threats of foreclosure have been hounding the Purple Door, and causing its proprietor, Madame Esmerelda, to scramble to keep it open.
{{#set:ps=The Purple Door also has its own website. }} The Purple Door also has its own website. {{#set: idea = Magic shop }}{{#set: face = Annie MacUda }}{{#set: address = 376 Barrie St Kingston Ontario K7K 3T4 }}{{#set: lat = 44.234807 }}{{#set: lng = -76.490271 }}{{#set: key = PurpleDoor }}
{{#set: | campaign = Ghost Town | is a = location }}Aspect: has aspect::Emotions fanned into flame
{{#set:description=Tir nan Og is a celtic pub in the Prince George Hotel. A particularly emotion-ridden haunting has created a magical emotion-amplifying field. Any time someone feels any particularly strong emotion at the pub it is intensified, often to dramatic or tragic effect. }} Tir nan Og is a celtic pub in the Prince George Hotel. A particularly emotion-ridden haunting has created a magical emotion-amplifying field. Any time someone feels any particularly strong emotion at the pub it is intensified, often to dramatic or tragic effect.
{{#set:ps=More information and daily specials may be found on the Tir nan Og website. }} More information and daily specials may be found on the Tir nan Og website. {{#set: idea = Inside the pub, people's emotions get intensified }}{{#set: face = Sian O'Toole }}{{#set: face = Lily Herschner }}{{#set: address = 200 Ontario St Kingston Ontario K7L 2Y9 }}{{#set: lat = 44.229622 }}{{#set: lng = -76.480899 }}{{#set: key = TirNanOg }}
Sleepless Goat Café
A favourite hangout for both Hepsebah and Randy.
The Sleepless Goat also has its own website.
City Hall
Kingston City Hall has been partially destroyed in two fires. This is where city councillors such as Chet Carlavitz do much of their work.
Experimental SMW handling[edit]
{{#ask: campaign::Ghost Town is a::location |?idea |?aspect |?face |?address |?lat |?lng |?description |?key | default = no locations found }}
Semantic MediaWiki implementation
Locations to be added:
- Everyone's houses
- others?
<graphviz border="frame" format="png" renderer="dot">
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{"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Ghost Town/Map
|mainlabel=- |?Is relationship of= |?Has description= |format=array |propsep=" [URL="Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Ghost Town/Map |mainlabel=- |?Is relationship of= |?Has description= |format=array |propsep="]};{"Template:))" [URL="Template:))"]}; }
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"Ghost Town/Map" -> "Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::Ghost Town/Map
|mainlabel=- |?Has name= |?Has description= |format=array |propsep=" [label="|sep="];"Ghost Town/Map" -> "Template:))" [label=""];
"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Ghost Town/Map
|mainlabel=- |?Is relationship of= |?Has description= |format=array |propsep=" -> "Ghost Town/Map" [label="|sep="];"Template:))" -> "Ghost Town/Map" [label=""];