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Book {{{book number}}}

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]

Book {{{book number}}}

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]


  | title  = Play it right.
  | is a   = chapter
  | chapter of = Humans are the Worst
  }}{{#set: chapter number = 5 | ordinal = 5 }}{{#set: has parent story = {{#ask: is book of::Humans are the Worst has book number::9 |link=none|limit=1|searchlabel=}} | chapter in book = {{#ask: is book of::Humans are the Worst has book number::9 |link=none|limit=1|searchlabel=}} }}{{#set: book number = 9 }}{{#set: blurb = In which the three heroes are reunited, but are no less free, and a new wizard becomes suspicious of them. }}{{#set: content = Although hired by St. Joseph's main hospital, Sev - a warlock who is trying to get into McMaster's geography program and is having some trouble due to the school's foreign exchange student policy - is working at the HPH as a janitor.  His specialty seems to be toilets.  He has an active veil over his locker so people do not touch his stuff, including his focus items.  As such, Sev is there when Anton comes to the HPH...

Anton, being of no fixed address, is housed at the HPH. Initially, Anton comes in under guard and hand-cuffed, so it is a great surprise (to Sev at least) when Anton is housed in Ward 2. He is free to go during the day time, for his business and other reasons, but he has a strict curfew. Upon seeing Anton, Allan declares that Anton is a delegate of the great and powerful Mongrel Nation. Anton wants to know if he can have any of the stuff Allan is on. Jack also visits and they discuss the play.

Seeing the three heroes together, Sev realizes he has seen them before: at the Night of the Fae auditions. (He didn't try out, but some of his co-workers did. None of them got a part.) However, seeing the three together and discussing Night of the Fae with the other staff starts and feeds a rumor that the three are recruiting for more players.

After spying on the three heroes under a window, and realizing that he is beside pumpkins in August, Sev realizes (falsely) that there must be a Summer Fae in residence! He decides to follow Jack to find out what is going on. He thinks Jack is the most normal of the three.

That idea is destroyed when Jack goes down a (deer?) trail (?) off of his escarpment, on his bike. Sev followed, internally screaming all the way down.

After crashing (not horribly), picking bits of stone and leaves out of his arm, and standing up, Sev decides to SEE Jack with his Sight. He Sees Jack as a nested-doll Buddha, with heavy black smoke coming out. He interpenetrates this as Jack being human, and shadows are coming out of him. He realizes that Jack can manipulate shadows, and that there are many levels of these dolls.

After closing his Sight, Sev tries to make sense of what he Saw, but is confused. Is Jack possessed? Did he make a deal with demons? He will have to stay at the hospital to find out! }}{{#set: starring = Allan Tarik }}{{#set: starring = Anton }}{{#set: starring = Jack Marks }}{{#set: starring = Sev }}{{#set: guest-starring = Mary the Incompetent }}{{#set: guest-starring = several orderlies }}{{#set: guest-starring = several patients on Ward 2 }}{{#set: guest-starring = Terry Ailes }}

Play it right.

timestamp::2012/07/26 (played session date::2012/10/25)

In which the three heroes are reunited, but are no less free, and a new wizard becomes suspicious of them.

Although hired by St. Joseph's main hospital, Sev - a warlock who is trying to get into McMaster's geography program and is having some trouble due to the school's foreign exchange student policy - is working at the HPH as a janitor. His specialty seems to be toilets. He has an active veil over his locker so people do not touch his stuff, including his focus items. As such, Sev is there when Anton comes to the HPH...

Anton, being of no fixed address, is housed at the HPH. Initially, Anton comes in under guard and hand-cuffed, so it is a great surprise (to Sev at least) when Anton is housed in Ward 2. He is free to go during the day time, for his business and other reasons, but he has a strict curfew. Upon seeing Anton, Allan declares that Anton is a delegate of the great and powerful Mongrel Nation. Anton wants to know if he can have any of the stuff Allan is on. Jack also visits and they discuss the play.

Seeing the three heroes together, Sev realizes he has seen them before: at the Night of the Fae auditions. (He didn't try out, but some of his co-workers did. None of them got a part.) However, seeing the three together and discussing Night of the Fae with the other staff starts and feeds a rumor that the three are recruiting for more players.

After spying on the three heroes under a window, and realizing that he is beside pumpkins in August, Sev realizes (falsely) that there must be a Summer Fae in residence! He decides to follow Jack to find out what is going on. He thinks Jack is the most normal of the three.

That idea is destroyed when Jack goes down a (deer?) trail (?) off of his escarpment, on his bike. Sev followed, internally screaming all the way down.

After crashing (not horribly), picking bits of stone and leaves out of his arm, and standing up, Sev decides to SEE Jack with his Sight. He Sees Jack as a nested-doll Buddha, with heavy black smoke coming out. He interpenetrates this as Jack being human, and shadows are coming out of him. He realizes that Jack can manipulate shadows, and that there are many levels of these dolls.

After closing his Sight, Sev tries to make sense of what he Saw, but is confused. Is Jack possessed? Did he make a deal with demons? He will have to stay at the hospital to find out! {{#ask: |Play it right. |?title |?chapter number |?blurb |?empty |?label |?image |?parentordinal | sort = chapter number | link = none | format = template | template = SMW campaign chapters level 3 }}

{{#if:|{{#hashinclude:relhash|Template:((#ask: [[Is relationship of::Book 9=}}}}{{#if:|{{#hashinclude:invhash|Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+[[Has name::Book 9=}}}}<graphviz border="frame" format="png" renderer="dot">

digraph character {
 node [fontcolor=blue,fontsize=12];
 "Book 9, Chapter 5: Playing It Right" [URL="Book 9, Chapter 5: Playing It Right"];
 { rank=same;

{{#if: Template:((#ask: [[Is relationship of::Book 9|

 "Template:((#ask: [[Is relationship of::Book 9" [URL="Template:((#ask: [[Is relationship of::Book 9"];

}}"Chapter 5: Playing It Right]]

     |?Has name=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" [URL="Chapter 5: Playing It Right]]
     |?Has name=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep="];"Template:))" [URL="Template:))"];

{{#if: Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+[[Has name::Book 9|

 {"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+[[Has name::Book 9" [URL="Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+[[Has name::Book 9"]};

}}{"Chapter 5: Playing It Right]]

     |?Is relationship of=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" [URL="Chapter 5: Playing It Right]]
     |?Is relationship of=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep="]};{"Template:))" [URL="Template:))"]};
 edge [fontsize=9];

{{#if: Template:((#ask: [[Is relationship of::Book 9|

 "Book 9, Chapter 5: Playing It Right" -> "Template:((#ask: [[Is relationship of::Book 9" [label=""];

}}"Book 9, Chapter 5: Playing It Right" -> "Chapter 5: Playing It Right]]

     |?Has name=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" [label="|sep="];"Book 9, Chapter 5: Playing It Right" -> "Template:))" [label=""];

{{#if: Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+[[Has name::Book 9|

 "Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+[[Has name::Book 9" -> "Book 9, Chapter 5: Playing It Right" [label=""];

}}"Chapter 5: Playing It Right]]

     |?Is relationship of=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" -> "Book 9, Chapter 5: Playing It Right" [label="|sep="];"Template:))" -> "Book 9, Chapter 5: Playing It Right" [label=""];
