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The Shu (or Xu) family is a family of Chinese origin, living in Hamilton.


  • David Shu, or Shu Dawei (蜀大卫, simplified or 蜀大衛, traditional)
  • Simon Shu, or Xu Xi Meng (魆西蒙)
  • David's mother
  • David's older sister

Family name[edit]

The Shu family has been westernized for long enough that it has forgotten the origin of its family name. There are two possible transliterations of the family name: "Shu" or "Xu". The difference in pronunciation between the two is somewhat subtle, and pronunciation may have shifted over the generations from the original Chinese name. David Shu has always used the glyph 蜀, meaning "Sichuan Province", but his father has taken to using 魆, meaning "Beguile" or "Enchant". There are other possible origins for the name:

glyph pronunciation meaning explanation
竖, 树 Shù Vertical, Tree The family used to be woodcutters
Shǔ Sichuan Province The family originated in Sichuan Province
Shǔ Mouse or rat Indicative of an ancestor's year of birth
黍, 薯; 菽, 蔬; 熟 Shǔ; Shū; Shú Millet, Potato; Beans, Vegetables; Mature or ripe The family used to be farmers
疏, 倏, 纾 Shū Comfort, Prosperous, Ease The family was wealthy
舒, 殊 Shū Sparse, Special or exceptional ?
酗, 侐 Drunk, Immobile ?
序; 术 Xù; Shù Procedure; Technique The family was in a highly skilled trade
输; 赎; 续, 蓄 Shū; Shú; Xù Lose; Redemption; Renewal, Build The family was involved in construction and demolition
许, 诩 Promise, Brag ?
恕; 盱; 姁, 醑 Shù; Xū; Xǔ Afraid or forgive; Anxious; Smiling, Nervous tension ?
谞, 魆, 虚 Deceit, Beguile or woo, Imaginary The family used to be spies or scouts
Shù Concubine The family worked at the oldest trade


{{#set: campaign = Steel Town }}

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"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::Shu family

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{"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Shu family

     |?Is relationship of=
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     |format=array |propsep=" [URL="Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Shu family
     |?Is relationship of=
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     |format=array |propsep="]};{"Template:))" [URL="Template:))"]};
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"Shu family" -> "Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::Shu family

     |?Has name=
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     |format=array |propsep=" [label="|sep="];"Shu family" -> "Template:))" [label=""];

"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Shu family

     |?Is relationship of=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" -> "Shu family" [label="|sep="];"Template:))" -> "Shu family" [label=""];
