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Book {{{book number}}}

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]

Book {{{book number}}}

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]


  | title  = The Burning Bottle
  | is a   = chapter
  | chapter of = Humans are the Worst
  }}{{#set: chapter number = 2 | ordinal = 2 }}{{#set: has parent story = {{#ask: is book of::Humans are the Worst has book number::1 |link=none|limit=1|searchlabel=}} | chapter in book = {{#ask: is book of::Humans are the Worst has book number::1 |link=none|limit=1|searchlabel=}} }}{{#set: book number = 1 }}{{#set: blurb = In which a mysterious bottle is investigated, and an old antagonist confronted }}{{#set: content = It takes some time to get things sorted out, but after the Summer Fae depart, Anton got the bag, David Shu got the jade knife, and Allan Tarik got the bottle from the bag that the man in the suit gave the Fae.  The bottle was hand-blown green glass, filled almost to the brim (barely a bubble inside of it).  The liquid inside was very thick (not good to drink) and reddish-brown.  It didn't appear to be blood, but one could never tell.  The smart thing to do would be to deliver it straight to the Autumn crone.  Of course, this is the Fae we are dealing with, and there was always a chance that Glimmer had planned things this way so that the Autumn court would get the bottle, open it, and than blow themselves up.  It was time to do some investigation!

After discussing where to best analyze the contents of the bottle, Jack Marks and Allan go to the Tower. They go there for several reasons. First, a kitchen isn't necessarily the best place to do scientific experiments. Second, med-school students have offices, but not that much access to labs. Third, one of the rooms in Allan's apartment had been designed as his work-room - totally empty, devoid of all iron, and purified. Simple investigation of the glass itself revealed nothing. There were no marks on the glass, no bumps, no grinds, no scratches, and no flaws. This was probably hand blown. The wax seal turned out to be bees wax. As far as we could tell, there was no markings (hidden or otherwise) on the paper label.

The preparations for analyzing the contents were simple: re-purify the room with water and herbs designed to keep energies within the room, cast a circle with more herbs as another layer of protection for the people living in the city, meditate, and have a large bucket of water near by to help neutralize any magic that escapes.

Unfortunately, the preparations turned out to be needed. There was no problem putting the needle in (so the liquid doesn't react with steel... not of fairy origin). Sucking a few CCs of liquid into the vial was not a problem. Even re-stoppering the wax was easy to do with a bit of heat. However, upon removing the needle from the vile, a single drop of liquid escaped, fell onto Allan's lap, and BURNED!!! It was a little bit painful. It is a very good thing, for the rest of the residents, that the work room was well contained. That was bad for Allan because the only place the energy had to go was in him. One really really bad sun-burn later, and it was decided not to experiment with this bottle any more.

Allan and Jack head down to Dundurn Castle, where Allan would give the bottle to the Autumn court. They are careful not to be seen together, just in case an agent of Summer is around. Of course, before entering, he has to do something with the steel needle. The only thing around is Lake Ontario. So, Allan wades in, hoping that the liquid will just react with O2 and not H2O - or that the water of the lake will ground whatever comes out. Carefully, he takes out the needle, while keeping the vacuum seal on the vial. Other than a puff of red steam, there is no reaction.

Allan delivers the bottle and vial to the Autumn Crone and Lady. They are not happy, and Allan assumes they are not happy with with the experiments.

While Allan was doing his delivery, Jack noticed someone watching them. It turns out to be Bob Hurst, a person who bullied him in high-school. The 6'5"-tall ex-bully was still a bully. He tried to intimidate Allan and Jack into leaving the park. Allan had no qualms with leaving - he was done. But Jack hates bullies, and decided to stick around for a bit. One tree's life was tragically cut short as Jack attempted to re-intimidate the bully; and the SCA had never gotten a worse spokesperson than Allan. The confrontation could have ended in violence, but it did not. }}{{#set: starring = Anton }}{{#set: starring = David Shu }}{{#set: guest-starring = Autumn Court }}{{#set: guest-starring = Bob Hurst }}

The Burning Bottle

{{#set: location = Dundurn Castle }}{{#set: location = Landmark Place }}

Dundurn Castle, Landmark Place

In which a mysterious bottle is investigated, and an old antagonist confronted

It takes some time to get things sorted out, but after the Summer Fae depart, Anton got the bag, David Shu got the jade knife, and Allan Tarik got the bottle from the bag that the man in the suit gave the Fae. The bottle was hand-blown green glass, filled almost to the brim (barely a bubble inside of it). The liquid inside was very thick (not good to drink) and reddish-brown. It didn't appear to be blood, but one could never tell. The smart thing to do would be to deliver it straight to the Autumn crone. Of course, this is the Fae we are dealing with, and there was always a chance that Glimmer had planned things this way so that the Autumn court would get the bottle, open it, and than blow themselves up. It was time to do some investigation!

After discussing where to best analyze the contents of the bottle, Jack Marks and Allan go to the Tower. They go there for several reasons. First, a kitchen isn't necessarily the best place to do scientific experiments. Second, med-school students have offices, but not that much access to labs. Third, one of the rooms in Allan's apartment had been designed as his work-room - totally empty, devoid of all iron, and purified. Simple investigation of the glass itself revealed nothing. There were no marks on the glass, no bumps, no grinds, no scratches, and no flaws. This was probably hand blown. The wax seal turned out to be bees wax. As far as we could tell, there was no markings (hidden or otherwise) on the paper label.

The preparations for analyzing the contents were simple: re-purify the room with water and herbs designed to keep energies within the room, cast a circle with more herbs as another layer of protection for the people living in the city, meditate, and have a large bucket of water near by to help neutralize any magic that escapes.

Unfortunately, the preparations turned out to be needed. There was no problem putting the needle in (so the liquid doesn't react with steel... not of fairy origin). Sucking a few CCs of liquid into the vial was not a problem. Even re-stoppering the wax was easy to do with a bit of heat. However, upon removing the needle from the vile, a single drop of liquid escaped, fell onto Allan's lap, and BURNED!!! It was a little bit painful. It is a very good thing, for the rest of the residents, that the work room was well contained. That was bad for Allan because the only place the energy had to go was in him. One really really bad sun-burn later, and it was decided not to experiment with this bottle any more.

Allan and Jack head down to Dundurn Castle, where Allan would give the bottle to the Autumn court. They are careful not to be seen together, just in case an agent of Summer is around. Of course, before entering, he has to do something with the steel needle. The only thing around is Lake Ontario. So, Allan wades in, hoping that the liquid will just react with O2 and not H2O - or that the water of the lake will ground whatever comes out. Carefully, he takes out the needle, while keeping the vacuum seal on the vial. Other than a puff of red steam, there is no reaction.

Allan delivers the bottle and vial to the Autumn Crone and Lady. They are not happy, and Allan assumes they are not happy with with the experiments.

While Allan was doing his delivery, Jack noticed someone watching them. It turns out to be Bob Hurst, a person who bullied him in high-school. The 6'5"-tall ex-bully was still a bully. He tried to intimidate Allan and Jack into leaving the park. Allan had no qualms with leaving - he was done. But Jack hates bullies, and decided to stick around for a bit. One tree's life was tragically cut short as Jack attempted to re-intimidate the bully; and the SCA had never gotten a worse spokesperson than Allan. The confrontation could have ended in violence, but it did not. {{#ask: |The Burning Bottle |?title |?chapter number |?blurb |?empty |?label |?image |?parentordinal | sort = chapter number | link = none | format = template | template = SMW campaign chapters level 3 }}

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