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< Terra Φ
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Campaign Timeline
?has title= ?has ordinal= ?has blurb= sort = ordinal link = none format = template template = SMW campaign timeline ?book number# | default=latest }}
               , booklabel ;  
               , chapterlabel ; 


Book {{{book number}}}

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]

Book {{{book number}}}

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]


  | title  = The Heist
  | is a   = chapter
  | chapter of = Humans are the Worst
  }}{{#set: chapter number = 1 | ordinal = 1 }}{{#set: has parent story = Terra Φ/Book 1 | chapter in book = Terra Φ/Book 1 }}{{#set: book number = {{#ask: Terra Φ/Book 1 |?ordinal= | link=none |searchlabel= }} }}{{#set: blurb = In which a bargain is struck, and new life breathed into a decrepit ship. }}{{#set: content = In a Zash'ari mining colony, Sindri and Kratos leave the Tabula Rasa in search of food and air. The ship sustained some damage in its recent (mis)adventures, and in addition lost much of its atmosphere. Wandering into an O2 bar named "Breathers Anonymous,", the pair are spotted by Connor, who has reason to avoid notice by either of them. His attempts at being inconspicuous don't succeed for long, though. After trying and failing to get the air dispenser to resupply the ship, Kratos notices Connor. 

Kratos and Sindri do their best to make Connor nervous, but he relaxes once he realizes they need something from him. He explains that this station doesn't supply air to private shipowners, and that there's probably no legal way to get it. Together they hatch a plan to swap shipping IDs on two crates in the warehouse, so that the air bound for one of the station's corporate clients will instead be delivered to the Tabula Rasa. In exchange for his help, Connor is promised passage off the mining colony, and out of the system.

Connor poses as an IT worker, infiltrates the head office of the complex and sends the bureaucratic system into a frenzy with a few well-executed schedule changes. Timetables are overhauled, confusion ensues, and Connor creates enough confusion to act as a cover. Sindri hacks the security systems and then rewires a shipping crate of compressed air so that its transponder identifies it as a shipment of food instead. Then, while Kratos creates a distraction by getting caught sneaking around, Sindri gets the crate delivered to the ship.

Kratos sneaks out of the interrogation room where he is being held and pulls a stack of crates down to stop the dock workers from following to retrieve their merchandise. Connor convinces a security guard to block off the other way through, and the newly-expanded crew gathers on the ship. The station security forces try to stop the ship from leaving but Victorea guns the engines, barely squeezing through the closing hangar doors and out into space. She's not happy about the new damage to the outer hull, but at least they were free.

Next the plan is to scrounge together enough parts for a slipdrive. Connor remembers there is debris field out beyond the system's farthest moon. This seems like the most likely source of pre-fall ship remnants. The ship has landed on the small icy planet furthest from the sun... }}

The Heist

{{#set: location = Zash'ar }}

Zash'ar, timestamp::April 24463

In which a bargain is struck, and new life breathed into a decrepit ship.

In a Zash'ari mining colony, Sindri and Kratos leave the Tabula Rasa in search of food and air. The ship sustained some damage in its recent (mis)adventures, and in addition lost much of its atmosphere. Wandering into an O2 bar named "Breathers Anonymous,", the pair are spotted by Connor, who has reason to avoid notice by either of them. His attempts at being inconspicuous don't succeed for long, though. After trying and failing to get the air dispenser to resupply the ship, Kratos notices Connor.

Kratos and Sindri do their best to make Connor nervous, but he relaxes once he realizes they need something from him. He explains that this station doesn't supply air to private shipowners, and that there's probably no legal way to get it. Together they hatch a plan to swap shipping IDs on two crates in the warehouse, so that the air bound for one of the station's corporate clients will instead be delivered to the Tabula Rasa. In exchange for his help, Connor is promised passage off the mining colony, and out of the system.

Connor poses as an IT worker, infiltrates the head office of the complex and sends the bureaucratic system into a frenzy with a few well-executed schedule changes. Timetables are overhauled, confusion ensues, and Connor creates enough confusion to act as a cover. Sindri hacks the security systems and then rewires a shipping crate of compressed air so that its transponder identifies it as a shipment of food instead. Then, while Kratos creates a distraction by getting caught sneaking around, Sindri gets the crate delivered to the ship.

Kratos sneaks out of the interrogation room where he is being held and pulls a stack of crates down to stop the dock workers from following to retrieve their merchandise. Connor convinces a security guard to block off the other way through, and the newly-expanded crew gathers on the ship. The station security forces try to stop the ship from leaving but Victorea guns the engines, barely squeezing through the closing hangar doors and out into space. She's not happy about the new damage to the outer hull, but at least they were free.

Next the plan is to scrounge together enough parts for a slipdrive. Connor remembers there is debris field out beyond the system's farthest moon. This seems like the most likely source of pre-fall ship remnants. The ship has landed on the small icy planet furthest from the sun... {{#ask: |The Heist |?title |?chapter number |?blurb |?empty |?label |?image |?parentordinal | sort = chapter number | link = none | format = template | template = SMW campaign chapters level 3 }}

<graphviz border="frame" format="png" renderer="dot">

digraph character {
 node [fontcolor=blue,fontsize=12];
 "Terra Φ/Chapter 1" [URL="Terra Φ/Chapter 1"];
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"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::Terra Φ/Chapter 1

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     |format=array |propsep=" [URL="Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::Terra Φ/Chapter 1
     |?Has name=
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{"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Terra Φ/Chapter 1

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     |format=array |propsep=" [URL="Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Terra Φ/Chapter 1
     |?Is relationship of=
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"Terra Φ/Chapter 1" -> "Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::Terra Φ/Chapter 1

     |?Has name=
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     |format=array |propsep=" [label="|sep="];"Terra Φ/Chapter 1" -> "Template:))" [label=""];

"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Terra Φ/Chapter 1

     |?Is relationship of=
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     |format=array |propsep=" -> "Terra Φ/Chapter 1" [label="|sep="];"Template:))" -> "Terra Φ/Chapter 1" [label=""];
