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Marvel 2033[edit]

Player Characters[edit]

  • Myrmidon - [Outsider] (played by Kel). The Crown Prince of the Acroyears, sent from the Microverse to test his worthiness to someday become King. Is not aware that anyone was sent to watch him. He lives openly as an alien, and in Ben Grimm's house with Peter.
  • Shimmer - [Janus] - (played by Micah). A young woman with the power to mimic any substance, and with incredible mobility because of this. Does not know the full extent of her capabilities. Her real name is Elizabeth "Beth" Miller. Has a part time job as an intern at Aurora Integrated Measurements.
  • Hood - [Beacon] - (played by Ryan). A young man with savant-like skills as a martial artist, trained by his rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. agent grandfather. He is trying to keep his neighborhood clean from criminal influences and keep his head down. His real name is Todd Bean.
  • Positron - [Protege] - (played by Derek). Peter Richards, third child of Reed and Sue Richards. Super-genius, like his father, but capable of manifesting and channeling the energies of the Negative Zone in a fashion much like his Uncle Johnny.

Characters in the Neighborhood[edit]

  • Sefu Adhiambo. A teenager converted into a super-powered cyborg child soldier by Erik Killmonger in his conquest of Narobia and adjacent African nations. Freed when Killmonger was defeated by a Wakandan led United Nations taskforce. Sefu is in NYC to testify at some point before a UN war crimes tribunal against Killmonger, and has been enrolled at Obama High for the duration of his stay.
  • Ms. Sarah Miller. Beth's mom. She is an admin. assistant at Aurora Integrated Measurements. She would freak if she knew what Beth was up to in her spare time. Never speaks of Beth's father. Has a home on the Lower East Side.
  • James Miller. Beth's Uncle (on mother's side) Works as a detective in the Super Crimes Unit (SCU) of the NYPD. Suspects what Beth is up to. Thinks he knows who Beth's father is, but doesn't want to upset Ms. Miller.
  • Benjamin J. Grimm aka "Uncle Ben". Peter (along with Myrmidon) is currently living with his Uncle Ben on the Lower East Side while his parents are off world (or maybe off-dimension, who knows?) Uncle Ben knows what Peter is up to, and has provided Peter with a hideout in the form of keys to a Future Foundation warehouse across the East River.
  • Alicia Masters aka "Aunt Alicia". Ben Grimm's wife, world-renowned sculptor.
  • Franklin Richards. Peter's older brother. He is currently acting CEO of the Future Foundation while his father is away. Lives in the Baxter Building in Midtown Manhattan at 42nd and Madison Ave.
  • George Washington (G.W.) Bridge aka Gramps. Todd's grandfather, Once was a senior S.H.I.E.L.D. agent of some sort, but left S.H.I.E.L.D. under shadowy circumstances and has done many shadowy things with shadowy people since then.
  • Mary Ann McAlister, aka Grams. Todd's grandmother. She would NOT be happy if she knew how thoroughly Grandpa Bridge has trained Todd, and that Grandpa was encouraging Todd to be a superhero. She kept her maiden name and passed it on to Todd's Mom due to SHIELD security protocols.
  • Erik Killmonger - would-be continental Africa conqueror, now charged with crimes against humanity and awaiting trial at a UN holding facility near the Lower East Side.
  • Princess Zanda - former exiled monarch of Narobia, allied with Killmonger to retake her country but came to regret that decision quickly. Also awaiting trial at a UN holding facility, but desperate to make a deal of some sort.

Characters Not in the Neighborhood[edit]

  • Beth's father. Beth has no idea who he is, and Ms. Miller is not talking.
  • Cilicia. Myrmidon's mother and Regent of the Acroyears in the Microverse.
  • Evelyn McAlister. Todd's mother, was a cocktail waitress, but was killed in a shootout several years ago.
  • Todd's Father. Name unknown. Referred to by his mother, before she died, as the "sperm donor".
  • The Richards/Storm family
    • Reed and Sue Richards. Peter's parents. Currently off world, maybe in another universe, on extended sabbatical. They had taken Peter with them, but Peter has some kind of "space allergy" that makes him have to stay on Earth.
    • Johnny Storm and Lyja, and their child Victor. Peter's uncle and aunt. Lyja is a skrull, making Peter's cousin the only known half-skrull, half-human in the universe. They live in the Interspace Free Zone, a complex of space stations at the Earth-Moon L5 point where alien cultures can set up commerce with Earth and where the various embassies are located. Lyja is the Free Skrull Republic ambassador to Earth. Vik'tor, by coincidence, just happens to mean "Strength of Shape" in Skrullian.
    • Valeria Richards, aka The Invincible Woman, aka Queen of Latveria. Peter's older sister. When Victor Von Doom died four years ago at the end of what is now called World War Doom, his will granted all of his titles and the throne of Latveria to then 17 year old Valeria Richards. Surprisingly, Valeria immediately took up the throne, essentially running away from her family, and now rules Latveria. She signed the Global Peace Accord on behalf of Latveria and was instrumental in its negotiation.

Places of Importance[edit]

  • Lower East Side. The neighborhood in southeast Manhattan where the characters live. In the early 2000s it was becoming highly gentrified, but as the century progressed a number of local people, including Ben Grimm (who had grown up on Yancy St), fought to keep the local character as much as possible and ensure some lower and middle class housing would still be available. It is now a highly diverse neighborhood, with both native New Yorkers (of all ethnicities) and recent immigrants (some not even from Earth!) living boisterously side by side.
  • Barrack Obama Community High School. Formerly East Side Community High School. The school all of the characters attend.
  • Future Foundation. The organization set up by Reed and Sue Richards to maintain his patents and better the human condition. Currently ran by Franklin Richards while his father is away.
  • The Warehouse. A warehouse owned but mostly forgotten by the Future Foundation on the East River in Brooklyn, across from the Lower East Side and near the Brooklyn terminus of the Williamsburg Bridge. Stores many pieces of "obsolete" (by the standards of Reed Richards) technology.
  • Aurora Integrated Measurements. A medium sized high technology laboratory in East Lower East Side, where Beth's mother works and Beth is an intern. Interestingly, the logo of the lab is an abstract stylized flying insect, maybe a bumblebee? Maybe a wasp? Maybe a yellowjacket? Hard to tell.
  • The Dugan Memorial Holding Facility, aka the Fridge. A joint SHIELD/UN secure facility deep underground with an entrance at the small island once known as Belmont or U Thant Island in the river near the United Nations complex. Currently holding a number of important alleged war criminals who pose special security problems, such as Erik Killmonger and Princess Zanda.
  • The Barber Shop. A speakeasy in a basement on 3rd Street on the Lower East Side frequented by all kinds of shadowy types looking for a place to relax. Gramps frequents it, and used to take Todd there a lot, until Grams put here foot down and he had to do it secret-like. It is completely non-descript, with only a small red and blue striped barber pole tucked in next to the basement door, and a small printed sign on the door that reads (handwritten additions are in italics):

NO: guns, knives, bows hammers, boomerangs, throwing stars, nunchuks, weird oriental poking/slicing things of any kind, lasers (unless internal), nuclear/biological/chemical wpns, JUST NO WEAPONS DAMNIT YOU KNOW WHAT A WEAPON IS JESUS! LMD's this means you Fury politics, vendettas, fighting (except in the back) Two more heads might take your place, but we have a special trashcan in the back for yours

The Story[edit]

Bert's Pawnshop[edit]

(Jul 15, 2017)

  • Hood notices a suspicious van and calls in the Team
  • Gangmembers carrying sonic destabilizers arrive at Bert's Pawnshop
  • When the team enters the pawnshop, they are confronted by Moonstone
  • After a brief fight Moonstone retreats to a secret lair underneath the pawnshop
  • The Team follows, and proceeds to take down Moonstone (dissipated), The Fixer (surrendered), a guy with superfists, several gangsters with sonic destabilizers
  • Much 'outdated' advanced technology is damaged or detroyed in the process
  • Uncle Ben arrives to sort things out
  • After some discussion, Myrmiddon crushes the Moonstone, killing Moonstone, against the direction of the Team
  • The team disperses to reflect on the events of the evening.

The Mojoverse[edit]

(Aug 7, 2017)

  • Sefu disappears in a flash of light. Repossession notice left behind.
  • Beth calls on teammates to track down Sefu.
  • Hood is approached by humanoid robot to help steal a giant robot from Bert's pawnshop.
  • Hood tips off Shield to track the robot, which he helps to steal.
  • Beth, Peter, and Myrmiddon chase Sefu through a portal, find he has been captured by an escaping ship, chase it down, blow a hole in the side, rescue Sefu, and run away.
  • Kid Mojo appears to block the retreat.
  • Peter negotiates the release of the child soldiers (sans tech) using his brother Franklin's resources.
  • Hood shows up to livestream the deal.
  • Celebrate with lasagna.
  • The Fixer threatens revenge on Myrmiddon.

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