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Book {{{book number}}}

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]

Book {{{book number}}}

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]


  | title  = Trouble at the Waystation
  | is a   = chapter
  | chapter of = Humans are the Worst
  }}{{#set: chapter number = 4 | ordinal = 4 }}{{#set: has parent story = {{#ask: is book of::Humans are the Worst has book number::1 |link=none|limit=1|searchlabel=}} | chapter in book = {{#ask: is book of::Humans are the Worst has book number::1 |link=none|limit=1|searchlabel=}} }}{{#set: book number = 1 }}{{#set: blurb = In which the search for a place to rest turns into a dangerous encounter }}{{#set: content = On a waystation orbiting Zash'ar 4, Connor and Victorea go off to restock and refuel, leaving Jain, Kratos and Sindri to find lodging. After frightening some locals, they are approached by an Eridani who tells them he has a friend who runs a hotel.

Unsurprisingly, this leads the group into a dead-end alley, and an ambush. Sindri manages to disable the ringleader, but his thugs almost take out the whole party before disappearing with all their cash. }}

Trouble at the Waystation

{{#set: location = Zash'ar }}

Zash'ar, timestamp::July 24463

In which the search for a place to rest turns into a dangerous encounter

On a waystation orbiting Zash'ar 4, Connor and Victorea go off to restock and refuel, leaving Jain, Kratos and Sindri to find lodging. After frightening some locals, they are approached by an Eridani who tells them he has a friend who runs a hotel.

Unsurprisingly, this leads the group into a dead-end alley, and an ambush. Sindri manages to disable the ringleader, but his thugs almost take out the whole party before disappearing with all their cash. {{#ask: |Trouble at the Waystation |?title |?chapter number |?blurb |?empty |?label |?image |?parentordinal | sort = chapter number | link = none | format = template | template = SMW campaign chapters level 3 }}

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"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::Terra Φ/Chapter 4

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"Terra Φ/Chapter 4" -> "Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::Terra Φ/Chapter 4

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"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Terra Φ/Chapter 4

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     |format=array |propsep=" -> "Terra Φ/Chapter 4" [label="|sep="];"Template:))" -> "Terra Φ/Chapter 4" [label=""];
