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{{#set: high concept = The Consummate Professional }}{{#set: trouble = I will prove I'm the best }}

Heinrich Kroll
High Concept The Consummate Professional
Trouble I will prove I'm the best
Points used 0 remaining 20 total 20
mainlabel= ?refresh adjustment= ?blurb= ?description= ?supernatural= ?subtypes= ?allows cost override= ?allows extra blurb= userparam=
                 columns::6 ;;
format=template template=SMW stunt line
     }}{{#set: has stunt = Plane: }}
FP 3 Refresh 3

{{#set: campaign = Kriegszeppelin Valkyrie }}{{#set: is in campaign = Kriegszeppelin Valkyrie }}{{#set: has name =Heinrich Kroll}}{{#set: has status =active}}{{#set: player = Alex | is a = PC | PC in campaign = Kriegszeppelin Valkyrie }}

Oberleutnant Heinrich Kroll

With 33 victories to his credit, Heinrich Kroll (Pour le Mérite, Knight’s Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern, Saxony's Albert Order Knight Second Class with Swords, Iron Cross First and Second Class) was an experienced and successful ace for Germany during the Great War. He was particularly adept against single opponents -- he took down France's second ranking ace in one of his earliest flights. He had a habit of getting his plane shot out from under him; he was shot down several times, but was never seriously injured.

Kroll had to beg, plead, threaten, and persuade Salmond to let him and his squadron participate in this mission. Allied High Command doesn't fully trust the Germans associated with the mission, but Kroll impressed them with his demeanour as an apolitical professional soldier, and Dr. Eckener demanded he be allowed to fly. High Command agreed, but on the condition that the German pilots not be allowed to fly Fokker D.VII.

Suggested squadron members[edit]

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"Heinrich Kroll" -> "Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::Heinrich Kroll

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"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Heinrich Kroll

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