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Book {{{book number}}}

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]

Book {{{book number}}}

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]

Book {{{book number}}}, [[{{{page}}}|Chapter {{{chapter number}}}]]


  | title  = Chaos in Copperlight Groves
  | is a   = chapter
  | chapter of = Humans are the Worst

}}{{#set: chapter number = 5 | ordinal = 5 }}{{#set: has parent story = {{#ask: is book of::Humans are the Worst has book number::1 |link=none|limit=1|searchlabel=}} | chapter in book = {{#ask: is book of::Humans are the Worst has book number::1 |link=none|limit=1|searchlabel=}} }}{{#set: book number = 1 }}{{#set: blurb = In which the search for a missing sister gets frustratingly close to a resolution }}{{#set: content = Jain and Sindri further disrupt the workings of Copperlight Groves orbital station. Connor discovers that he has offspring here due to past indiscretions, and causes a political incident. Kratos tracks down the Exodus Club, his best link so far to his sister, but loses his informant to a sniper. }}{{#set: starring = Connor }}{{#set: starring = Jain }}{{#set: starring = Kratos Enyo }}{{#set: starring = Sindri }}{{#set: guest-starring = Adrasteia Enyo }}

Chaos in Copperlight Groves

{{#set: location = Zash'ar }}

Zash'ar, timestamp::24463/07/01 (played session date::2011/04/17)

In which the search for a missing sister gets frustratingly close to a resolution

Jain and Sindri further disrupt the workings of Copperlight Groves orbital station. Connor discovers that he has offspring here due to past indiscretions, and causes a political incident. Kratos tracks down the Exodus Club, his best link so far to his sister, but loses his informant to a sniper. {{#ask: |Chaos in Copperlight Groves |?title |?chapter number |?blurb |?empty |?label |?image |?parentordinal | sort = chapter number | link = none | format = template | template = SMW campaign chapters level 3 }}

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digraph character {
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"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::Terra Φ/Chapter 5

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     |?Has name=
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{"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Terra Φ/Chapter 5

     |?Is relationship of=
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"Terra Φ/Chapter 5" -> "Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::Terra Φ/Chapter 5

     |?Has name=
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     |format=array |propsep=" [label="|sep="];"Terra Φ/Chapter 5" -> "Template:))" [label=""];

"Template:((#ask: Is relationship of::+Has name::Terra Φ/Chapter 5

     |?Is relationship of=
     |?Has description=
     |format=array |propsep=" -> "Terra Φ/Chapter 5" [label="|sep="];"Template:))" -> "Terra Φ/Chapter 5" [label=""];
